Arrival and Dismissal Procedures


As a reminder, any changes in your child's dismissal

MUST be by phone call, in writing, or sent as a DOJO the

MORNING of the change.  Please make sure both your

Classroom Teacher AND the Clerks receive notice. 

Thank you for helping to keep our schools safe!

2024 updated

Here is our Arrival & Dismissal Plan to ensure students are entering and exiting the building in the most safe and efficient way. Please look at the graphics above and see where your student will be entering and leaving to prepare. And to be upfront, parking is difficult. So please make sure you are keeping all our kids safe.
in our Autism Program and Substantially Separate classrooms who are not taking a bus are to arrive and dismiss at the main office. A staff member will be present at the entrance to meet the parent and call for a faculty member to walk your student to class.
Arrival is at 8:15 am and Dismissal is at 2:25 pm. Walkers are limited to students in grades 4&5 who are given permission to walk home from school by themselves. Please let us know if you have any questions. You can call the school at (508) 997-4511 ext. 43500 or 43551. Thank you!